Tablet devices and smart phones are the next big thing in programming. The global mobile applications market is expected to be worth $ 25.0 billion in 2015, growing at at CAGR of 29.6% from 2010 to 2015.Having the skills to develop applications for Smartphone and Mobile Devices prepares you for the future. Due to the popularity and demand of Smartphone’s, Mobile Application, Programmers are in great demand. The need for skilled, Industry ready Android andi phone Application Developers is expected to rise massively in the coming years.
The iPhone has changed the way we as designers, developers, and creators view user interface design forever. The wonderfully elegant design of the device itself captivates people’s attention like no other gadget in history. Our society has never been as efficiently mobile and connected as we are today. Because of the technological advances in mobile’s recent history, you can be sure that people expect the apps that run on the iPhone to be equally appealing to the senses.
IOS Development Course Curriculum
Introduction to MAC
- Introduction
- How it is Different From Windows
- Essential Keyboard Shortcuts2 – X-Code
- Features
- Configuring for iPhone and MAC
- Exploring the Interface Builder
Foundation Framework – COCOA
- Introduction
- Number, String and Collections
- Working with Files
- Memory Management
- Copying Object
- Introduction
- Compiling and Running Programs
- Explaining First Hello World Program
- Underlying C Programming
- Data Type and Expression
- More on Data Type and Expression
- Program Looping
- Making Decision
- Pre-Processor
- Object and Classes
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Working with Property and Self
- Categories and Protocols
- Delegates
Introduction to iPhone
- What is iPhone
- iPhone Help
- About Smart Phone Environment
iPhone SDK
- What is iPhone SDK
- Development Framework
- iPhone SDK Setup
- X-Code with iPhone
- iPhone Emulator
iPhone Architecture
- iPhone Architecture
- iPhone GUI
- iPhone Package
- iPhone Applications
- iPhone Application Framework
- iPhone Libraries
- Interface Builder
- Outlet
- IBAction
- Action
Creating User Interface
- iPhone UI Design using Interface Builder
- Creating First Hello World Program
Programming Storyboard and XIB Files
- Handling Multiple UI
- Data sharing between UI
Controls Programming
- Label
- Edit Text
- Text View
- Buttons
- Handling Images
- Animation
- Steppers
- Sliders
- Switches
- Segmented Control
- Web Views
- Scrolling Views
- Activity Indicator View
- Progress View
- Table View
- Table View Cell
- Date Picker
- Tab Bar
- Bar Button Item
- Flexible Space Bar Item
Programming User Attention
- Alert Views
- Input from Text Views
- Action Sheet
- Sound
Programming Media
- Playing Audio Files
- Playing Video Files
Interaction to other Application
- Call
- Core Location Framework
Reading and Writing Application Data
- Accessing Application Default Preference
- Accessing iPhone File Systems
Database access using SQLlite
- Assessing SQLlite Database
Use of Web services
- Reading Data From Network (XML & JSON)
Use of Web services
- Reading Data From Network (XML & JSON)
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